Adolescent behavioral Health
At Mile High Behavioral Healthcare, we believe adolescence is a critical time for developing social and emotional habits essential for mental well-being. These include adopting healthy sleep patterns, exercising regularly, developing coping, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills, and learning to manage emotions. MHBHC offers individual and family services, group meetings, and experiential-based treatment and activities to support mental well-being in adolescents.
We understand that adolescence is a time of volatile emotions and boundary-testing behavior as individuals explore and assert personal identity, learn to navigate peer relationships, and transition to independence. At Mile High Behavioral Healthcare, we offer two tracks of care. We meet the adolescents where they are in their developmental stage of exploration during the teenage years.
Services are available at the agency’s primary location at 4242 Delaware St., Denver Element, Mile High Integrated Care, Sheridan and Summit County, and at the Family Preservation Center in Aurora.
Care includes
• individual and family services
• experiential-based treatment
• group meetings, activities, and outings
• educational programming
• access to technology
• peer support
• support to families of the youth
For more information or to make a referral
(303) 318-4242 or
PRIDEvolution is safe environment for PRIDEful and transgender teens and young adults, 12-22. The program fosters healthy relationships, encourages authentic expression, develops support systems, and builds community. The program provides those struggling with mental health and substance use challenges affordable behavioral health care from affirming professionals. Program services are available at the Family Preservation Center, 10190 Montview, Aurora.
The program provides
• social groups and outings
• access to technology
• behavioral health care
• peer support
• basic health care
For more information or to make a referral
(303) 318-4242 or
Adolescent drop-in center
A safe space where teens can gather, heal, have fun, and find needed resources
• mental health support
• educational help
• recreational activities
• life-skills training
• health education
• community resources
• peer support
• food assistance
Drop-in Center/Montiview
10190 Montview Blvd., Aurora / (303) 318-4242
Monday-Thursday 2:00 – 6:30 pm / Friday 2:00 – 5:00 pm