Court 2 Community clinical treatment programs provide attention to the special needs of individuals in the criminal justice system struggling with substance use or mental health challenges. Accustomed to working with probation and parole officers, our team is familiar with the multidisciplinary treatment court team process. The outpatient programs include
• intensive outpatient, enhanced outpatient, and weekly outpatient programs
• mental health and substance use evaluations for court or probation requirements
• groups during the day, evening, and Saturdays
• individual therapy, case management, and peer support
• abstinence monitoring services
• online and in-person programs
The Huddle Program
A comprehensive solution tailored for individuals transitioning back into the community and workforce after incarceration or release from specialty courts, the Huddle program takes a holistic approach, providing whole-person care as the cornerstone for successful reintegration.
At the heart of the Huddle program is our commitment to offering intensive community-based support as a positive alternative to incarceration. By fostering a supportive environment based on trust and respect, we focus on reducing behavioral health issues and recidivism. We empower individuals to address underlying issues, develop essential life skills, and cultivate a sense of community and belonging. The Huddle program serves as a pivotal step in a transformative journey of healing, growth, and lasting change for individuals hoping to rebuild their lives.
• ongoing comprehensive case management
• employment and housing navigation
• community resource coordination
• screening and assessment
• behavioral health care
• medical case management
• individual and group counseling
• experiential therapy
• vocational rehabilitation
• Medication Assisted Treatment therapies
• LGBTQ2S+ affirming supportive services
• transportation to treatment
• peer recovery support
DUI treatment aligns realistic thinking with healthier, more positive behaviors. Through activities and group discussions, participants understand how drinking and driving affect themselves, loved ones, and the community. They learn about the consequences of impaired driving, such as financial costs, effects on employment, a criminal record, loss of freedom, and the overall stress involved. Treatment services include
• Level II Education and Therapy
• Level II 4+ Treatment
• Interlock Enhancement Counseling
The RISE Program
Intensive outpatient treatment, the RISE Program includes peer-to-peer groups for men and women in the Denver County Jail with co-occurring disorders. Clients participate in the program from 7 am to 4 pm, Monday through Saturday. The program begins during incarceration, helping the individual transition back into the community with support services while in recovery from trauma, substance use, and mental health challenges.
The TECH Project
For 18-30 year-old men and women after release from incarceration
Treatment • Empowerment • Community • Help
• pre- and post-release behavioral healthcare
• peer support
• resources for housing, health care, and job readiness
• smartphone app, Connections, from Chess Health
• connect with other individuals in recovery
• sober community events
The TECH Project (3 minutes)
The TECH Project (30 seconds)